
2019 Conference

Venue University of New South Wales, Sydney

Dates Mon-Wed 20-22 May 2019

Contact Suhelen Egan (Chair) s.egan@unsw.edu.au

Thank You to our Conference Attendees

Dear Attendees

On behalf of the ANZMBS and the organizing committee, we want to thank you for attending the 3rd ANZMBS conference on May 20 – 22, 2019 at UNSW. Your presence helped to make this event a great success and  hope that you continue to be engaged with the marine biotechnology and ANZMBS.  Stay tuned for upcoming events by visiting https://anzmbs.asn.au/

Congratulation to all the student prizes winners and a big thank you to the panels of assessors for their work and feedback.

The winners of the student prizes were:

The CMSI student poster prize - Valentin Thepot (University of the Sunshine Coast)

The Joe Baker student poster prize - Ana Cristina Jaramillo Madrid (University of Technology Sydney)

Marine Drugs Journal student oral  presentation prize - Nor Hawani (Wani) Salikin (UNSW)

Journal of Marine Science and Engineering student oral presentation  prize - Giulia Ferretto (UNSW)

Special Issue submission to Marine Drugs and JMSE closes on 20 December 2019


Below please find the conference program.

To download a PDF version of the program, please click here.

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Uni NSW Jes Sammut, Belinda Ferrari, Torsten Thomas, Mariana Mayer Pinto. Uni Technology Sydney Justin Ashworth, Janice McCauley, Peter Ralph. Macquarie Uni Ani Penesyan, Martin Ostrowski. Uni of Wolongong Danielle Skropeta. Flinders Uni Wei Zhang,  ANSTO Debashish Mazumder. CSIRO Kim Lee-Chang. Australian Institute of Marine Science Libby Evans-Illidge. Cawthron Institute (NZ) Mike Packer.


Participate through Sponsorship

The program will present the latest science and industry updates relating to Marine Biotechnology as well as covering:

  • New science and technology that will underpin marine biotechnology and the blue economy

  • Commercialisation of marine bioproducts and processes

  • Environmental remediation and sustainability

  • Influencing public perception and policy on marine biotechnology

Program will include dedicated sessions on the following topic areas:

  • Fisheries and Aquaculture

  • Marine Ecosystem Engineering

  • Marine Environmental Health: Monitoring and Conservation

  • Marine Biotechnology Policy and Consultation

  • Marine Natural Products 1: Drug discovery

  • Marine Natural Products 2: Algal products and biofuels

The program will be structured to allow delegates to meet colleagues in a social environment to discuss matters of mutual interest. An area for the display of posters and products will support this environment.  Industry sponsors are very welcome and are also encouraged to display products. All sponsors will be acknowledged in the Program and during meeting functions. Please contact Suhelen Egan for sponsorship opportunities.  s.egan@unsw.edu.au

Special Issue  

Marine Drugs and Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (JMSE) are pleased to announce a joint Special Issue, hosting contributions from 2019 ANZMBS conference. Authors are invited to submit papers on a wide range of topics related to marine biotechnology.

We will consider original research articles and novel reviews. Attendees are encouraged to read carefully the Aims and Scope of the two journals, Marine Drugs and JMSE, to decide which journal is suitable for their submissions. Manuscripts will go through strict peer-review before publication. The submission deadline is 20 December 2019.

With support from:
