The Australia New Zealand Marine Biotechnology Society (ANZMBS) advocates for all aspects of marine biotechnology in Australia and New Zealand. Becoming a member of the society allows you to collaborate with scientists, technologists, investors, government, industry, and community; inform educators and policy makers; and participate in the exchange of knowledge and technology.
Announcing the 6th ANZMBS Conference
Cultivating Connections for a Resilient Blue Economy
Pre registration is now open
University of Waikato Tauranga New Zealand-Aotearoa
August 2026
This three-day event will have an entrepreneurial focus, with workshops designed to support skills sharing and development of attendees, hands-on networking experiences bringing together experts, researchers, and industry partners in Marine Biotechnology
Why Join Us?
Member benefits include:
• Networking with members through society conferences and other fora including social media
• Up-to-date information on society activities and the opportunity to feed-in to those affecting the marine biotechnology community across Australia and New Zealand
• Conferences sessions are being made available on-demand via the Member areas
• Discounted rates in key journals in the field that are affiliated with the society
Members can contact the secretary for instructions on how to obtain member discounts when publishing in these journals. Join or renew their membership here.
Affiliate Publications
Affiliate publications are offered to members at discounted rates when they join the Society or renew their membership.
Marine Biotechnology welcomes high-quality research papers presenting novel data on the biotechnology of aquatic organisms. The journal publishes high quality papers in the areas of molecular biology, genomics, proteomics, cell biology, and biochemistry, and particularly encourages submissions of papers related to genome biology such as linkage mapping, large-scale gene discoveries, QTL analysis, physical mapping, and comparative and functional genome analysis. Papers on technological development and marine natural products should demonstrate innovation and novel applications.
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (JMSE; ISSN 2077-1312) is an
international, peer-reviewed open access journal which provides an
advanced forum for studies related to marine science and engineering.
Current IF is 2.9 according to the Journal Citation Reports (Web of
Science). Q1 ranking in "Engineering,
Marine," we also rank Q2 (19/63) in the "Oceanography" category and
(6/16) in the "Engineering, Ocean" category. Marine Biology is one of its essential sections. Prof. Dr. Magnus
Wahlberg is the section Editor-in-Chief. We maintain a rapid, yet
rigorous, peer-review, manuscript handling and editorial process. The
median publication time is 34 days.
Marine Drugs (ISSN 1660-3397; CODEN: MDARE6) is the leading peer-reviewed open access journal on the research, development, and production of biologically and therapeutically active compounds from the sea. Marine Drugs is published monthly online by MDPI. The journal is covered by leading indexing services, including PubMed, Web of Science Science Citation Index Expanded (current Impact Factor 5.4), and Scopus (2022 CiteScore 9.6). In 2020, authors received a first decision 12 days after submission while the total publication time was an average of 33 days.
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